Baby You're a Lost Cause Beyond Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls (Video Game 2013) Poster

10 /10

Strange Life ahead

Do not be confused or alienated when you read about Elliot Page starring in this. He was formerly known as a she (Ellen). Hopefully you are not narrow minded and just enjoy a game where he is portraying a she - and that is just that. The game is way too good to get hung up on things like that. Of course when I played it I had no idea about that, as apart from him no one else did either.

You also get the always amazing Willem Dafoe! What a great actor ... great cast overall to tell the truth. And an amazing rich story to boost too! Now if you want to get all the endings ... it will be quite the grind to get there! Not something easy to do and a lot of hours involved! I know because I did it and I had to endure some of the same videos time and time again ... but I did not mind overall because the game is worth it.

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9 /10

He's something of a scientist himself.

The protagonist can't die in 'Beyond: Two Souls (2013)', an interactive movie from the developers of 'Heavy Rain (2010)', but its side characters can. As a choice-driven experience, that's where it finds its suspense: the knowledge that your decisions directly impact the lives of others. This is one of the game's themes, the fact that you're important to people you may only - in the grand scheme of life - pass by, and it's reflected well within the story. The game follows a woman with a psychic link to some sort of spirit, spanning pretty much all her life via non-linear chapters. The thing's non-linearity, a sticking point among some fans, feels almost arbitrary, as it doesn't really lead to any dramatic irony or foreshadowing, but it isn't disengaging, either. Its elusive, lucid-dream vibe actually helps to communicate the plot, which is supposed to seem like a series of pivotal memories belonging to the lead. Surprisingly, it doesn't hamper the impact of player choices, either, which - while undeniably rather subtle - still shape the outcome of the narrative in important ways. It is a shame that the ending is determined almost exclusively by a two-tier choice presented near the piece's climax, as opposed to a natural extension of the way you've been playing thus far. This doesn't hamper the experience, though; it's compelling, entertaining and unique. Its all-star performances are top-notch, captured naturally with a mo-cap system that mimics on-stage acting. One the thing's best aspects is the ability to play as the spirit connected to the main character. These segments play out almost like puzzles and evoke a point-and-click feel. They also allow the player to directly control the relationship between the spirit and the protagonist. The controls for the latter have been changed slightly from 'Heavy Rain (2010)'. There is no more awkward 'push to walk' mechanic and the movements required of the right thumb-stick are decidedly less precise. The piece is still clunky at times, though. In the end, this is an enjoyable and, even, somewhat affecting sci-fi game. Best of all: it stars Willem Dafoe. 9/10

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8 /10

A bit of a mixed bag, but manly positive experience

Greetings from Lithuania.

"Beyond: Two Souls" (2013) is a very mixed bag. It has its moments of brilliance. There were chapters in this game hat literal brought my to tears ("Homeless" especially). But the game play itself is far from great. Basically this is movie type game where most of your time you will spend watching, and gameplay itself isn't involving. What i did liked about this game were amazing performance by Ellen Page, a good one by Willem Dafoe and a good script.

Overall, "Beyond: Two Souls"is a unique genre game. If you like these kind of adventure narrative driven games you will probably enjoy this one because it has its moments of pure brilliance - but they are unfortunately far and in between.

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8 /10


A visually stunning interactive storytelling experience in the same vein as Heavy Rain, but not quite as captivating. Still, I highly recommend it to fans of these types of games.

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8 /10


Interesting story and characters. And the acting was very good from Defoe and Page. The mystery arround the female character push us to know the end of the story. The video game is quite different than heavy rain. It still have some hard consequences and have an intriguing plot. Still a good narrative game. I recommend it maybe not for every one but can still be enjoyable.

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10 /10

Beyond: Two Souls

It's dark, compelling, and very emotional. Really makes you think about the border between life and death.

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7 /10


Well I was really really looking forward to play this game, mainly because Quantic Dream last game, Heavy Rain, was AMAZING. And I have to say, I am disappointed.

Here's my impression:

Presentation is Awesome. Graphics, WOW. Easily one of the best if not the best facial graphics I have seen in a game. At times it really feels like you are watching a movie/cgi movie, the detail is too damn high, especially of Jodie. And the whole game is presented in 16:9 widescreen which makes it feel even more like a movie. The character animations are really fluid too. Environments vary though, some look awesome, while others look OK.

Voice acting is great, obviously. Ellen page did an awesome job, steals the show. William Dafoe was great too (If only he had more screen time). Many of the side characters had good voice acting too. Soundtrack is pretty good. The main theme is great and whenever it kicks in, gives you an emotional punch. But sound effects on the other hand are not so good. Explosions suck, their sound effects are really lacking. Many other things have lacking sound effects too.

Gameplay wise, the game is a notch above Heavy rain. It should be very familiar to those who played Heavy rain as majority of the things are almost the same. The biggest new addition is controlling Aiden, which can be fun and it is really fluid. Problem is that the game restricts Aiden too much. There could have been tons of ways to use Aiden for more fun stuff like puzzles etc but they completely ignored the opportunity. Another new addition is the slow mo action scenes sequences. Well I like how it blends fluidly during action but it gets really annoying too some times. They should have used it for some scenes, not all. ON some occasions, it would have been really better to just use Heavy rain's style QTE's for tense scenes. Also, the whole cover shooting stuff was lame. There was a full mission where we had to do nothing but find cover, and shoot, was boring.

Now the main thing, THE STORY. Well the story is definitely interesting and it would have been so so much better if it was in chronological order but David cage wanted to deliver it in his own artistic way or whatever and completely screwed it up. The game throws you back and forth throughout Jodie's life from the start. You play some emotional areas early on but have no idea what's going on thanks to mixed timeline story and don't get the emotional touch and you say to your self "Do I actually care?". The young Jodie's chapters weren't that good too, and were very short too. Some were as short as 5-10 mins. On the other hand, Older Jodie's chapters were really good. Some were great even. Funny thing is, the game shows show the chapters in Chronological order but shifts you around the timeline and what I noticed was that the last 8-9 chapters were the best. Now if I were to play all of them in order, it would have been much better. There are times when I was like "Now this is great, exactly what I expect from QD", but those moments weren't that many. David cage is best at delivering small emotional scenes, they are great and he should stick to them instead of gunning towards huge action scenes because those weren't that much good. Choice was one of the key things in Heavy rain BUT here, that is not the case. Almost all of the choices have no dire effects, they are of more subtle things. Except for the ending, there really Isn't a huge choice in the game which will alter the story and whatnot. And that was really disappointing. The game is a mixture of lots of genres, you have Horror, Thriller, Action, Government/CIA stuff, infiltration etc etc, they crammed so much in a game which is not long and nothing is really satisfied. Ending the game will make you wanting way way more, was really unsatisfying because when the credits started rolling, I was like "That's it?". Many of the things in the game weren't explored much.

I will definitely play this game again in chronological order to see how much different the experience is.

TO sum it up, its a flawed experiment, too ambitious for its own good but it did deliver some really good experiences, even if they were few and far between. Still, It is a must play for anyone who played and like Heavy rain.


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6 /10

David Cage is something special

Warning: Spoilers

You know when you play a David Cage game. It's about choices, quick-time events and consequences. Beyond: Two Souls is a sci-fi game with horror elements, and the whole way the game has been created is something in itself. The action scenes, which do not count the fights, are quite clumsy, and not pleasant to play, but Aiden is a fine game-mechanical invention, which is extremely important for the story. The graphics range from really ugly to fairly, and the story is well told, even if it is broken up into small parts. The game prides itself on the fact that there are so many choices that can be made, yet I do not really feel that they convey this during the gameplay.

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10 /10

A Lot of Heart, Action, Sci-Fi, and Drama in this Atypical Gaming Experience

Polarizing reviews from players for Beyond: Two Souls. I can understand why, as many serious gamers may be disappointed that it's more like a play-through novel than a game. For me and many others however, this is a captivating story that's both unsettling and refreshing. I'm a fan of Choose Your Own Adventure books, so this has enough variability to make it intriguing, yet keeps the story moving along a cohesive direction. A few revelations are predictable, however there are a lot of surprises. The ending has a riveting crescendo followed by very important options for endings. So much of this game is art: directing, action adventure, drama, sci-fi, thriller, music, and a whole lot of heart.

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9 /10

Wonderful game!

Warning: Spoilers

Wow I've watched a few different interactive story games before from Markiplier and Pewdiepie but I really enjoyed the storyline of this one the most. What I loved about this game was that it felt more like a movie and it was actually a better movie than most action/sci-fi movies. The whole game covers so many aspects of the girls life, making the gameplay so interesting. The character development is so amazing, and we got to discover her at different stages of her life. From her baby years, to emo teenage years, her hitchhiking through town, joining the army, and finding love, it was really amazing. The interaction with the audience is just spectacular, and I had goosebumps every time there was a twist. I also love the visuals with the entity named Aiden who leaves her head. It really is genius. The only critique I have, besides the kind of confusing timeline it follows, is that the choosing part doesn't lead to different conclusions, but rather the ending is quite fixed. Since the setting changes from future to past back and forth randomly, it was a bit hard to follow and it also made it useless to choose what to do since the ending is already known. However, I did enjoy the twist at the end with her entity and the big decision at the very end. I even cried at the very last scene. What a beautiful story, I felt super empowered by Ellen Page

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6 /10

"Beyond Unbalanced."

Beyond: Two Souls is quite an interesting and intriguing game that most likely will not please everyone as it shifts from being more than simply a video game all at once. While most viewers may be intrigued by the cast, storyline, and overall presentation, it also may alienate others for feeling unfinished or being vastly different. The best qualities from the game truly comes from the portrayal of the distracting characters and scenery throughout. Nearly everything is beautifully crafted and explained through a narrative that feels very much as a professional film created by someone dedicated.

However, the majority of these qualities are sometimes hard to grasp when most of the events aren't exactly portrayed either chronologically or anything significant when players are constantly given various choices to expect something sensible. There's always a chance for a surprise but also disappointment despite all efforts given into this. Once the game has settled itself as an interactive drama, it quickly becomes a repetitive and torturous cat-and-mouse game some may find annoying and lowbrow once the pacing unexpectedly shifts.

Even though the story attempts to avoid being cliché, it becomes a hassle to not restrain turning into an unbalanced and generic product. The genres it attempts to explore also suffers and not enough of it can keep everyone satisfied when it feels rushed, incomplete, and unfortunately stale. Beyond: Two Souls is not for everyone and surely had a chance to rise above its expectations - but instead, it forces us to expect beyond less than more.

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9 /10

enjoyable with flaws

Warning: Spoilers

This game follows the QTE controls of its predecessor Heavy Rain which I love while attempting to reveal a story slowly. The additional mechanic is controlling an out-of-body 'entity' which I also love. But the story didn't really move me like Heavy Rain did, despite the developers wanting to increase emotional story telling and using this as their defense against critics.

Don't get me wrong, I want you to play and enjoy this game. But I have to agree with the mixed reception that it has some flaws. I was actually impressed by the diversity of locations and stories being told but in their attempt to teach us how to play, keep us interspersed with action and keep us interested; the immersion, emotional attachment and player influence on the story, all suffer. It isn't glaring or frustrating and you can still enjoy the game.

I will also agree the QTE's went more in the direction of film than gameplay, which lead to a less intense experience and actually more frustration for me. Buttons coming up in Heavy Rain was sometimes hard but clear, whereas now no buttons appear in fights leaving you sometimes guessing what the intended movement is. But don't worry because failure barely means anything.

All these things can be looked past and that's what I did. Yet spoiler alert one thing about the story did annoy me personally. After all the poop you've been subjected to you are finally recaptured, the game had built up enough hatred against the CIA and they had rebuilt the Infraworld portal. That's when we SHOULD have been let loose to destroy it and all research once and for all. But no. Instead we follow orders again to take down a foreign made portal before we finally shut down the US one, but only because the barrier has been shut off. That's what damaged the experience for me. Also minor point, Jodie's mother's acting is terrible and kills those flashbacks.

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5 /10

Too slow paced and difficult to follow

I gave this game a shot after playing the excellent Detroit, but I couldn't even finish it. It felt like I was halfway through the game when I realized I still did not understand what was going on. It's not that I hate the idea that you jump around in time and glance at small bits of the story, but you need to start giving some answers sooner than they did. Some might have had more patience with this one than me, but I couldn't endure any more of Beyond's very basic and unsatisfying gameplay and a story that was failing to intrigue me enough to push through it.

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8 /10


This game is wonderful. The gameplay is fun and the game looks beautiful. (They used motion capture) However some levels can feel repetitive or just boring. Still a fun game.

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Seriousness vs. Silliness

Warning: Spoilers

My Beyond: Two Souls review

Are Jodie and Aiden a monster or a miracle? Is there any happiness to be found for these characters? These questions were very present in the game which focuses on the journey and life of Jodie Holmes, a girl who has had an entity linked to her since she can remember.

These two characters must go through certain phases and challenges in life, be it her difficult teenage years or her constant requirement in the Secret Services. But one of the most difficult questions to take in may be: Are the head pounding cliché chapters haunting enough to put me in a bad mood?? As you may have seen, this game is a mixed bag in my opinion. It definitely leans toward it's good side because of it's memorable characters, creative narrative and emotional situations but sometimes I hated seeing a chapter as amazing as "The mission" and at the same time remembering the hurtful face-palms that chapters like "Navajo" brought upon me.

Them feels I got where mainly caused by Ellen Page's journey as Jodie, Willem Dafoe's character's crucial final moments and the scenes that involved David Coburn as Stan. These three characters have showed the world that noteworthy acting performances can be a major part in the gaming industry. And I am not saying that we haven't been moved by well written Playstation 2 characters without the use of motion capture and talented actors, but if the studio knows how to use them to an advantage it sure does help. In Beyond: Two Souls performances were powerful and you could see every little nudge or movement from the characters face in the dramatic moments. Then you have those instants where the graphics fell to an early PS3 rate and our minds said: "Well, that was off-putting."

But let's not talk about graphics and focus on the writing for a second. David Cage is a great writer and director. He has shown his almost flawless talent in the game Heavy Rain which is a long-time favorite of mine. But in an earlier game called "Indigo Prophecy", we saw that he could sometimes go a little nuts in something I call silliness. And I am not saying that I don't like silly game or movies, but when the writing in some instances is so deep and emotional and is starting to establish the tone of the story, I find it awkward that the next chapter may be about Jodie and an old shaman lady chanting and battling an ancient sand demon. (SPOILER WARNING) The chapter I just mentioned is called "Navajo" and yeah, what I said was in it is totally there. This part of the story, in my point of view, was unoriginal and had nothing to do with the story. But the greatest crime it committed was being inconsistent with the rest of the deep story. Imagine watching the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" and suddenly in the third act Will Smith's son grows up, is recruited by the FBI and fist fights the Yakuza on top of the Brooklyn Bridge while Will Smith builds an actual time machine and fetches a dinosaur to win the war on crime. Yeah I just went too far.

So David Cage, please be consistent and if you are doing an emotional story do action packed chapters but with actual emotional weight and delicate themes like "The Mission". I already spoiled you the chanting old lady so I won't do you any more harm.

I mentioned previously that David Cage was also a good director and if you are wandering why, for me it's most importantly because of the chapter "Homeless". If you get to play the game you will tear up in some scenes, I guarantee it! And I think the reason behind this, is because they are very subtle and rely only on the expressions and ambiance. A good director can create touching moments with whatever he is working with, in this case motion capture and the power of the player's choices. For instant there is a scene in which Jodie plays guitar and it strikes you because of the subtlety of the performance by Ellen Page and the weight of the situation she is in.

With all this ranting and talking about the director you may have forgotten that Beyond: Two Souls is a game! And a game needs some gameplay and if it has David Cage leading it, some choices! In my point of view the gameplay was pretty good. Like heavy rain it has many quicktime events, but I found these more confusing as, in the action sequences, you have to move the left stick in the direction Jodie's body is moving. Sometimes you could really tell and it was frustrating.

The Aiden (the entity) gameplay however, was fun and empowering, as nobody can see you and you have the power to flip cars and freak people out.

And last but not least, the stealth. I really expected it to be garbage but in my surprise it was simple but fun. using Aiden to distract enemies was cool enough to keep it afloat.

There is a lack of choice-making however that bothered me. In "Heavy Rain" the choices were everything, you were at the edge of your seat because every movement mattered. In "Beyond" the only major choice is in it's ending and that got me a little disappointed.

So I end this review by saying that Beyond: Two souls is a good game with not much of gameplay importance, as you may have seen :P, but more focused on storytelling. This however was it's weak spot as there where many amazingly crafted but some very clichéd and pointless, that a gap between them was created and a full emotional experience was lacking from at the end.

I am giving David Cage's latest, "Beyond: Two Souls" a 7.5/10.

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8 /10

A Gripping Story

Beyond Two Souls is a masterpiece in storytelling and visuals, keeping me hooked throughout.

The story was gripping from the very start. I was interested to find that the original cut was a non-linear route, but as the story developed it made more sense. The player does have the option to play it linear but honestly I would recommend the original route. Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe are the star characters playing their roles amazingly. I'm going to put it out there and say this is Page's best role, she is honestly amazing in this. The non-linear route doesn't really have that standard story structure, however it's a great way for us to learn about the characters and build up emotional relationships with them. Story choices are a key feature in this and you decisions will impact different aspects of the story. At the end I realised that I had built up relationships with the characters wanting to spend more time with them.

Don't expect nothing revolutionary with the gameplay as it's your standard quick time event. However, this doesn't really remove anything from the experience as this was the type of gameplay I was expecting. However, sometimes it did get frustrating. The slow motion quick time events in combat got annoying. You have to move the analog stick in the direction of the motion to block or attack. However, it would be hard to pick the direction where there was more than one motion. This often resulted in me getting injured but had an interesting impact on the story. One aspect of the gameplay I really loved was the stealth, I didn't expect gameplay like this. The action sequences did give you that adrenaline rush though, even though it was just quick time events. You know in the back of your mind that one bad move could alter the story and characters.

The visuals looked great on the PS4, I'm unsure what they looked like on the 3 but obviously not as good. Each location you visit looks really good and highly detailed, adding to the immersion and realism. There were a few lighting glitches but you'd really need to have a sharp eye to catch them.

I believe Hans Zimmer did the soundtrack and it was as beautiful as the visuals. The music perfectly captured the emotion, even making me tear up at a point in the story. When there was action there is music to match the scene, heightening the immersion even more.

This is a must play game, and with it receiving a PC port you have no excuse not to. If you're looking for something fast-paced every second then this probably isn't for you. However if you're looking for a game with an amazing story, characters, visuals and music, this IS for you.

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10 /10

Pure Gold

Warning: Spoilers

Beyond: two souls is an emotional journey with an unique story.

First of all, the graphics were more than amazing but (in my opinion) the game's set design was the main reason of excellence. Everything was so detailed and because of the diversified locations (desert, forest, underwater base, futuristic headquarters etc.) the gameplay does not become monotonous.

The motion capture technology came so far, the eyes were the most impressing for me, they were filled with life, i could watch them for long minutes. Even the tears were incredibly realistic and the face expressions delivered emotions very well. It must be extremely difficult to play a role (especially in a game based on emotions)with motion capture, where strong imagination becomes a basic requirement.

Ellen Page brings an outstanding performance, you could easily tell that she did everything to identify with her character. Willem Dafoe was also great, his character's change was reasonable, only his transformation happened too fast in the end.

The music fits the game perfectly, Lorne Balfe created another masterpiece and I'm pretty sure Hans Zimmer also took a huge part as a producer.

The bond between Jodie and Aiden was imaginative and well portrayed , especially the purple wire between them as a symbol of the umbilical cord (which caused the fatal accident).

The Story from the beginning till the end was exciting,every chapter had an own unique environment which made the gameplay flow like a river.

I've had some minor problems but they did not affect the overall experience. I gave this a 10/10 because only a few movies could deliver emotions so well and even less game achieved this goal successfully.

Highly recommended for every Play Station 3 owner.

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8 /10

A movie made into a video game

Beyond Two Souls tells the story of Jodie, a girl with telekinetic abilities, from little age to grown up. Charged with emotion and drama the story is very compelling. Mechanically speaking the game is linear with very little to space to roam and wonder around but the world it built looks amazing. The game has an option to play it not chronologically which is the best in my opinion as it balances action packed scenes with quieter puzzle games and dialogue. If you want a direct comparison just go watch Stranger Things cause this story is so similar it might make you think that it was written by the same person.

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8 /10

Good game that you WILL play again

Warning: Spoilers

Now... i'll be honest and say the cover nor the trailer didn't really... Impress me... but i bought the demo on my ps3 and found it wasn't at all like i expected. Not long after downloading the demo i found myself wanting to play the actual full game, not just two chapters.

I got it from the shop at quite an expensive price (Especially when you find out you could've got it £10 cheaper online). i played it and at first i found the controls a little difficult to work. For me they were quite glitchy and hard to remember. Though this problem quickly passed after a little bit of playing.

When playing it i did find it a little difficult at times to know where i was going (it wasn't clearly shown nor stated) but after a little time and logic i did find my way. I have to say the actual game is much more like a movie then a game.

It was a good game to play as you could choose what happened, how you played it and so on. The characters were likable but not the greatest. Though after a while you do actually start to feel really bad for Jodie and start hating Ryan.

It truly is a weird but good game to play. The storyline no matter what choice you make is very good. The graphics are wonderful and the voice acting is all right for the game.

It takes around 14 maybe 15 hours to complete though it can take a lot quicker if you're really good at QTE's (Quick Time Events). If you are not familiar with QTE's or you don't like them then i recommend you don't play this straight off. If you're a newbie it does feature a beginner feature (i don't know what it does as i played on expert)

The QTE's aren't that bad in the actual game though they can get quite annoying at times as if you don't click it within that time you die or they do something you don't like.

It is a good game with a good storyline but was a little long in bits. I do recommend you play it as it truly is a good game with a stunning storyline. As i said, if you're not familiar with QTE's then i recommend you get a little practice before you play the game. Very easy to play and do recommend to everyone. Brother also liked it :D :)

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9 /10

An artistic achievement in modern video games. A true game with a soul of realism and power.

Beyond: Two Souls is a game like no other. It's simply outstanding in terms of it's individuality and story. It has real actors such as Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe, who prove to be truly great at delivering their roles. The highlight of this game is Page, as Jodie Holmes. You fell connected to the character and you care about her as you struggle to fight contention and danger throughout the game. Quantic Dream know how to make a game with realistic characters and a powerful storyline, I'll tell you that.

Be warned. The gameplay is unique and sometimes enjoyable but don't expect Beyond: Two Souls to raise the bar in the gameplay categories, as it is meant to be played as an interactive tale or movie. The gameplay is very much an acquired taste but most people will enjoy it.

The music to this game is simply one of the best soundtracks in the history of entertainment. An emotional and beautiful, artistic, melodramatic soundtrack composed by Normand Corbeil, Lorne Balfe with help from music mastermind Hans Zimmer. It is so good, the soundtrack. The themes are very strong and quite amazing. This game is better than what most people think.

Beyond: Two Souls might suffer from some critics but trust me, DO NOT listen to them. It really is a unique game that captures your attention.

An essential play.

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9 /10

What a story!

The gameplay itself isn't always that great, but it's the story that just so exciting. I couldn't put this away once I began playing it, just wanting to know what happens next.

The journey of the main character makes clear that she's just a girl who happens to have a set of supernatural powers. Nobody knows why or how. There are multiple moral choices she has to make. What is good and what is bad? You can make so many decisions in this game, with all sorts of consequences. It's all up to you, but I can assure you this story sticks with you!

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9 /10

Page and Dafoe are Stellar

Quantic has the tallent to create games that you can judge as movies, that's impressive enough. The story is brilliant and the characters alive (and not lifelike), which makes you immerse a lot. Music and ambiance are both top notch. I removed a star because I found it a little bit too long in the end (I went through it in one go which might explain it), but I had a fantastic time

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10 /10

The best game I've ever played in my life

What a game it was,mind blowing. This game has a best storyline. This is a best game for the people who loves sci-fi. Who loves games need to play this game.

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1 /10

Absolutely terrible

This is the most predictable, awful game I have ever played. If I were you I wouldn't get this game if it were being given away for free.

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4 /10

Beyond: Movie Soul

Warning: Spoilers

There was once a good director: David Cage. And now, after playing "Beyond Two Souls" some years ago and thinking about it, I realize that comparing with others game that he did like "Farenheit" or "Heavy Rain", his talent has gone somewhere unknown.

Of course, I do respect his ideas about this marvelous Media; what I do not respect is what he does afterwards. He criticizes action games being too simple, and then he creates this game?

Let's see.

Beyond: Two Souls is a game full of fights. Boring fights. Why boring? Simple: let's take the example of "Heavy Rain", where the commands are put on the screen following the movements of the character, expressing burden and suffocation; here, when you have to attack, time slows down and then you have 5h to press something.

Even if this system is organic, there is still one problem: there is no "game over". And many will tell me "well, there wasn't either in Heavy Rain". True, but in that game, if you make a mistake, you have the possibility of having some of the characters you control die, or simply not finding the Origami Killer. Here, we control Jodie, and whatever we do, we don't lose a single thing. Even if you "lose", the scene will always take the same path. You can take your pop-corn and watch this "game" without doing a single thing.

Why do I say "game"? Well, Beyond: Two Souls tries to be also a movie. What is its big problem? The story is simply fragmented: you jump from a moment to the other, with no simple sense. We start the game with a scene that doesn't make any sense. There is no relation between the different points: now Jodie hates Aiden, now she loves him, now she is a "clochard", now she is a CIA agent... Where is the reason behind all of these jumps? Let's take the example of Ryan: we have his presentation of him insulting Jodie, and some minutes after... Wow, Jodie reveals she loves him! Wait, wait, wait... Where is the sense? In this game, I-am-Jodie... I don't have the same information she has. How should I empathize with this if I have no idea about what has happened?

If the scripts was well written, I would have no problem with all this, but it-is-not. We have a story full of clichés: "the supernatural experiment; the adolescent party with bullying; training; giving birth outside an hospital; kind vagabonds; the spiritual Indians..." Oh, remember that scene with the grand-mother who didn't talk? I mean, we all were face to the screen like "she'll talk, she'll talk..." And the hell she did! I wouldn't have this problem if the game was that fragmented, as this is much more easy to see.

We have characters that aren't either that well written. A lot of them aren't even developed, and they aren't that original. Most of them are archetypal.

Cage wanted to talk about life and death as this game is born from his personal experience (I think he lost someone important for him), but he doesn't know how to use this idea.

Beyond is the most dumb teacher you could have. He talks about his life for 4h and then he tells you "what is the meaning of life and death?" Well, what do you want me to tell you? You haven't taught me a single thing! You talked me about Jodie's life in all the game, and haven't took the time to develop the relation between an adolescent and a supernatural being! Of course, it's easier to tell superficial stuff and let the important questions for the last hour.

Oh, of course, Beyond is emotional, isn't it? No, it isn't. Making characters crying all the time and telling they are very bad won't make me feel. Even Heavy Rain used too much this, but it-worked, because the characters were well made and their mistakes became yours. Here this doesn't happens, as everyone is crying every- single-second. In the end, the only feeling I have is the need of shutting down my Ps3.

You want to play it? Go play Heavy Rain, or if not, go watch "Blade Runner", who talks about life and death with coherence and are a lot cheaper!

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Baby You're a Lost Cause Beyond Two Souls


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