Numerical Simulation of Droplets Bubbles and Waves State of the Art

Daniel Fuster Webpage

CNRS Researcher, CR1
Institut Jean Le Rond D'Alembert, Sorbonne Université, Paris (France)

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My research career focuses on the development of numerical methods and models in CFD.
Cavitation and atomization are the two processes that interest me the virtually.


Time-delayed interactions on acoustically driven bubbly screens (JASA, 2021).
Vortex-interface interactions in ii-dimensional flows (IJMF, 2021).
Optimal subharmonic emission of stable bubble oscillations in a tube (Phys. Rev. E, 2020).
A Review of Models for Bubble Clusters in Cavitating Flows (JFTC, 2018).
An all-Mach method for the simulation of bubble dynamics issues in the presence of surface tension (JCP, 2018).
Oscillation regimes of gas/vapor bubbles (IJHMT, 2017).
Investigation of the collapse of bubbles later on the impact of a piston on a liquid free surface (AIChE, 2017).
Spray germination in a quasiplanar gas-liquid mixing layer at moderate density ratios: A numerical closeup (PRF, 2017).
Nonlinear acoustic propagation in bubbly liquids: Multiple scattering, softening and hardening phenomena (JASA, 2016)
Mass transfer effects on linear wave propagation in diluted bubbly liquids (JFM, 2015)
Effect of direct bubble-chimera interactions on linear moving ridge propagation in bubbly liquids (PRE, 2014)
Physics of beer tapping (PRL, 2014)
Variational Multiscale a Posteriori Error Interpretation for Systems: The Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations (CMAME, 2014)
Direct numerical simulations of capillary wave turbulence (PRL, 2014)
Stability of bubbly liquids and its connectedness to the process of cavitation inception (PoF, 2014)
Multi-calibration flow simulation of automotive catalytic converters (CES, 2014)
Instability regimes in the primary breakdown region of planar coflowing sheets (JFM, 2013)
Why does a beer bottle foam upwards after a sudden impact on its oral cavity? (Physics Fizz)
Chimera cluster dynamics workshop in Paris
An energy preserving formulation for the simulation of multiphase turbulent flows [JCP,2013]

Time-delayed interactions on acoustically driven bubbly screens (JASA, 2021).

Effects of surface tension on the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in fully compressible and inviscid fluids (PRF, 2021).

Vortex-interface interactions in 2-dimensional flows (IJMF, 2021).

PArallel, Robust, Interface Simulator (PARIS) (CPC, 2021).

A mass-momentum conserving, Volume-of-Fluid method for incompressible menstruum on staggered grid (CAF, 2021).

Scattering of acoustic waves by a nonlinear resonant bubbly screen (JFM, 2021).

Optimal subharmonic emission of stable bubble oscillations in a tube (PRE, 2020).

Instability of a swirling bubble ring (CRAS, 2020).

Optimal Control of SonoVue Microbubbles to Estimate Hydrostatic Pressure (T-UFFC, 2019).

A two-phase mixing layer between parallel gas and liquid streams: multiphase turbulence statistics and influence of interfacial instability (JFM, 2019).

A Review of Models for Bubble Clusters in Cavitating Flows (JFTC, 2018).

An all-Mach method for the simulation of bubble dynamics issues in the presence of surface tension (JCP, 2018).

Shock propagation furnishings in multilayer assembly including a liquid phase (KEM, 2017).

Oscillation regimes of gas/vapor bubbles (IJHMT, 2017).

Investigation of the collapse of bubbles subsequently the touch of a piston on a liquid free surface (AIChE, 2017).

Spray germination in a quasiplanar gas-liquid mixing layer at moderate density ratios: A numerical closeup (PRF, 2017).

Nonlinear acoustic propagation in bubbly liquids: Multiple scattering, softening and hardening phenomena (JASA, 2016)

Multi-scale simulation of rainwater morphology evolution on a cylinder subjected to current of air

Mass transfer effects on linear wave propagation in diluted bubbly liquids (JFM, 2015)

Variational Multiscale a Posteriori Error Estimation for Systems: The Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations (CMAME, 2014)

Effect of direct bubble-bubble interactions on linear wave propagation in bubbly liquids (PRE, 2014)

Physics of beer borer (PRL, 2014)

Straight numerical simulations of capillary moving ridge turbulence (PRL, 2014)

Stability of bubbly liquids and its connection to the procedure of cavitation inception (PoF, 2014)

Multi-scale catamenia simulation of automotive catalytic converters (CES, 2014)

Instability regimes in the primary breakup region of planar coflowing sheets [JFM, 2013]

An energy preserving formulation for the simulation of multiphase turbulent flows [JCP, 2013]

Modelling bubble clusters in compressible liquids [JFM, 2011]

Parallel simulation of multiphase flows using octree adaptivity and the volume-of-fluid method [CRAS, 2011]

Liquid compressibility furnishings during the collapse of a unmarried cavitating bubble [JASA, 2011]

Multiscale simulations of master atomization using Gerris [Comp & Fluids, 2010]

Instability growth rate of two-stage mixing layers from a linea eigenvalue trouble and an initial value problem [PoF, 2010]

Influence of the accommodation coefficient on nonlinear bubble oscillations [jasa, 2010]

Numerical simulation of aerosol, bubbles and waves: state of the art [fdr, 2009]

Variational Multiscale a-Posteriori Mistake Estimation for Quantities of Interest [J. Appl. Mech, 2009]

Simulation of primary atomization with an octree adaptive mesh refinement and vof method [ijmf, 2009]

Parametric analysis for a unmarried collapsing bubble [JFTC, 2008]

Variational Multiscale a-Posteriori Error Estimation for Multi-dimensional Transport Problems [CMAME, 2008]

Dynamics of a single cavitating and reacting chimera [PRE, 2007]

Application of Variational a-Posteriori Multiscale Error Reckoner to High Club Elements [Comp. Mech, 2006]

Thermodynamics of Void Fraction in Saturated Menstruation Humid [J. Rut Trans., 2006]


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